Morph Conformations

GTP-binding switch |
morph intermediate)
Morph Conformations creates a trajectory that morphs
between two or more structures.
MD Movie
is called to show the trajectory and can
record it as a movie.
Morph Conformations is under development
(see limitations).
A few example systems are listed below.
There are several ways to start
Morph Conformations, a tool in the Structure Comparison category.
The different structures should be opened as separate models or submodels
in Chimera and superimposed.
The structures can have different numbers of residues or different
sequences (homologs or mutants can be compared), but currently
they must contain equal numbers of chains.
The next step is to populate the Conformations list
with structures; the order in the list corresponds to the order in which
they will be visited in the output trajectory.
Clicking Add... brings up a dialog that lists the open molecule models.
Clicking a model's name and then the Add button (or double-clicking
the model's name) puts it in the Conformations list.
The same model can be added more than once to produce a morph trajectory
that visits the same conformation more than once.
After the desired conformations have been added, the model-choosing dialog
can be dismissed by clicking Close.
Clicking a line in the Conformations list designates that entry
as the target of subsequent button actions:
- Remove - remove the conformation
- Up - move the conformation higher in the list
(earlier in the trajectory)
- Down - move the conformation lower in the list
(later in the trajectory)
Each sequential pair of structures in the Conformations list
will serve as the starting and ending points of one segment
of a morph trajectory. A morph trajectory can have multiple segments.
Within each segment, intermediates
are generated by interpolating the positions of the
atoms in common. Interpolation includes:
- rigid-body transformations of atom groups
partitioned by hinge regions. Hinges are identified as described in
and Gerstein, Nucleic Acids Res 28:1665 (2000).
- coordinate changes within the atom groups
How interpolated coordinates are generated, and in how many steps,
can be specified independently for each segment.
The following four settings apply to the segment preceding the structure
currently highlighted in the Conformations list.
- Interpolation method
- how the rigid-body transformations will be calculated
- corkscrew (default)
- Each group's starting and ending positions are related
by a rotation about a center chosen to describe as much of the movement
as possible, and a translation along the axis of rotation.
These two components are interpolated.
- independent
- Each group's starting and ending positions are related
by a rotation about the group's center of mass, and a translation.
These two components are interpolated.
- linear
- Each group's starting and ending positions are related by a translation,
which is interpolated.
- Interpolation rate
- how conformational changes will be distributed
across the segment
- linear (default)
- coordinate changes will be distributed approximately evenly
- ramp down
- coordinates will change most rapidly near the starting conformation
- ramp up
- coordinates will change most rapidly near the ending conformation
- sinusoidal - coordinates will change most rapidly halfway
between the starting and ending conformations
- Interpolation steps [K]
- the starting and ending conformations of the segment
will be K steps apart (default 20); K–1
intermediates will be generated
- Force Cartesian intermediates (off by default) - whether
within-group coordinate changes
should be interpolated strictly in Cartesian space.
Otherwise, internal coordinates will be used for the
interpolation where possible. Using internal coordinates is slower
but produces less distortion. A trajectory made with Cartesian forcing
may be acceptable if few atomic details will be shown (for example,
if only ribbons will be displayed).
The Minimize setting applies collectively
to all segments of the morph trajectory:
- Minimization steps [N]
- N steps of minimization (default 60)
will be applied to each intermediate
Minimization requires the correction of structural inconsistencies,
addition of hydrogens, and association of atoms with
force field parameters.
Dock Prep,
Add Charge, and
Minimize Structure
are called in no-GUI mode to perform these tasks; that is,
the dialogs will not appear, but each tool will execute with default
settings. When minimization is turned on, interpolation
to generate an intermediate
will use the minimized coordinates of the prior intermediate.
Clicking Create hides the dialog
(unless the option to Keep dialog up after Create is checked)
and initiates the calculation.
The MD Movie tool
will be called to display the morph trajectory,
and any specified Action on Create will be performed:
- none
- show Model Panel - open the
Model Panel
(allowing the input structures to be hidden or closed)
- hide Conformations - hide the input structures
The trajectory will be opened as a separate model. Coordinates for the
atoms in common from the segment
endpoints (input structures) and the intermediates
comprise the frames of the trajectory.
The MD Movie tool
can be used to record
the trajectory as a movie file.
If the movie includes ribbons, consider re-evaluating secondary structure
at each frame as described below.
After the trajectory has been viewed, it can be
saved as a PDB file.
Hide hides the Morph Conformations dialog, Quit exits
from the tool, and Help opens this manual page in a browser window.
If the Morph Conformations dialog has been hidden or
becomes obscured by other windows, it can be resurrected with the
Raise option for its
instance in the
Tools menu.
Multiple copies of the Morph Conformations dialog can coexist,
possibly with different settings and/or listed conformations.
Superimposing Structures
The apparent motion across a morph trajectory depends on how the input
structures are superimposed; matched regions will remain approximately steady.
There are several ways to superimpose structures in Chimera:
- MatchMaker
(command equivalent
superimposes structures by constructing a sequence alignment and then
performing a least-squares fit of the aligned residue pairs, using one atom
per residue
- the match command
allows detailed specification of which atoms to fit
- structures can be
manipulated interactively
and toggled between
and immovable states
The first two methods allow iterative exclusion of
poorly superimposed atoms from the fit.
Atoms in Common
Intermediates are generated by
interpolating between starting and ending structures.
Interpolation requires a pairing of atoms in the starting structure
with atoms in the ending structure.
Only atoms common to both segment endpoints
are included in the morph trajectory.
Residues are paired by aligning the sequences of their chains.
The sequence alignment is performed using the
matchmaker defaults
(Needleman-Wunsch algorithm, BLOSUM-62 matrix, secondary structure reassignment
with ksdssp,
30% secondary structure scoring, etc.),
except that the Nucleic matrix is used for nucleic acids.
Only the sequence alignment stage of
matchmaker is
performed, not the superposition of structures.
Morph Conformations does not change how the input structures are
Once residues are paired, atoms in common within those residues are paired.
In paired residues of the same type, atom pairing is straightforward.
In paired residues of different types, only atoms with the same names
are paired, and only a single connected fragment is kept per residue.
For example (disregarding hydrogens),
phenylalanine and tyrosine have in common all atoms of phenylalanine.
Example Systems for Morphing
A few example systems are listed here, including chain IDs. Currently
it is necessary to delete other peptide chains before morphing
between the structures.
Different conformations of the same or nearly the same protein:
- alpha-transducin GTP-binding switch
(see the figure and the
and Alignments tutorial):
- 1tagA - complex with GDP
- 1tndA - complex with GTP analog
- thioredoxin reductase ball-and-socket movement:
- 1tdeA - complex with FAD
- 1f6mA - complex with FAD and NADP+ analog
- glucose/galactose binding protein:
- 2fw0A - uncomplexed
- 2gbpA - complex with glucose
Different but homologous proteins:
- phosphomannomutases, pairwise sequence identity ~50-70%:
- 2i55C - Leishmania PMM complex with glucose bisphosphate
- 2fucA - human PMM1
- 2amyA - human PMM2
- pectate lyases from different organisms, sequence identity ~35%:
As structures become less similar in sequence, a morph trajectory
between them is more likely to contain backbone "breaks,"
corresponding to gaps in the sequence alignment that defines the
atoms in common.
MD Movie does not automatically re-evaluate secondary structure.
MD Movie
does not automatically recompute secondary structure assignments as
coordinates change across a trajectory. This is relevant when
are displayed and the conformational changes are large enough to alter
secondary structure assignments.
To recompute secondary structure at each frame,
use a per-frame script in
MD Movie
that includes the Chimera command
Structures with different numbers of chains are not handled.
Currently, a morph trajectory can only be generated from input structures
with equal numbers of biopolymer chains.
Extra chains in the input models should be
deleted beforehand
or split
into separate models not used in morphing.
Sequences should be easy to align.
The sequences of the structures must be
aligned to determine the atoms in common
for interpolation. When the sequences are dissimilar,
parts of the sequence alignment may be wrong, leading to a jumbled
and unattractive morph trajectory. A possible future improvement is
to allow users to specify residue pairings with an input sequence alignment.
Minimization limitations.
The Minimize Structure tool
has its own set of
UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory / June 2008