API | |
AttentionLens | Attention lens to allow a user to point to a particular location on screen
CORBAObject | CORBAObject packages changed chimera objects in CORBA structures and exports them
ChimeraExtension | Register the Collaboratory as a Chimera extension
ChimeraInteractor | ChimeraInteractor detects changes to Chimera state and exports them for use by the Collaboratory
ChimeraObject | ChimeraObject takes remote Collaboratory CORBA objects and applies them to the local system
Common | Common constants used by most modules in the Collaboratory
Extension | |
Hub | Hub.py implements the Collaboratory Hub
HubGUI | |
HubManipulator | The HubManipulator is a useful command-line for querying hubs and removing inactive hubs.
HubWatcher | HubWatcher is a command-line tool for observing what's happening at the hub.
IdMap | IdMap manages a bidirectional dictionary- keys can be used to look up values and vice versa.
Node | Node.py implements the Collaboratory Node
Object | Special legacy objects which are used to communicate info between the Node and Hub
ResourceList | List of resources (object instances) that Chimera already knows before
Collaboratory | Initialization code for the Collaboratory Chimera Extension
survey | implements a nag screen for the Collaboratory which asks people to take