Packages used by ChimeraX¶
ChimeraX depends on over 50 other packages. Here is the list from September 2020.
Main Packages¶
Python - most of ChimeraX is Python code
PyQt6 - Qt window toolkit
PyOpenGL - Python interface to OpenGL graphics used to render all graphics
numpy - arrays, volume data, atomic coordinates, … (from PyPi)
Packages from PyPi Python package manager¶
appdirs - cross-platform access to application directories, variable chimerax.app_dirs uses it.
colorama - color terminal output for nogui mode
comtypes - used for space navigator device input on Windows
Cython - required by pytables which is the python interface to hdf5, for reading hdf5 density maps. Also used to wrap C++ atomic data structures.
distlib - used by toolshed for working with Python wheel files
distro - Linux distribution info, used by bug reporter
filelock - used by toolshed to lock files when installing bundles
grako - grammar compiler for parsing atom specifiers in ChimeraX commands
html2text - converts html to plain text, used to output log messages in no gui mode and for bug reports.
ihm - library to read Integrative Hybrid Model files from PDBDev
imagecodecs-lite - Reading Tiff image files light microscopy stacks with formats not handled by pillow.
ipykernel - IPython kernel used by Jupyter in ChimeraX shell tool
ipython - Jupyter kernel, used by ChimeraX shell which allows html rich output
jupyter-client - front end for Jupyter kernel, used by ChimeraX shell
lxml - used to convert html to plain text for nogui log messages, also for making bundle documentation index
lz4 - very fast compression used when saving session files
matplotlib - makes graphical plots for crosslinks and intefaces plots
msgpack - format for saving ChimeraX sessions
networkx - graph layout for interfaces plots
openvr - OpenVR for using virtual reality headsets
Pillow - Python image library for saving png, jpeg, tiff images
pkginfo - read PKG-INFO files in wheels, used by toolshed
psutil - process, OS and hardware info, used to set volume cache size based on physical memory available
pycollada - Collada scene file format reader
pydicom - reading DICOM files, pydicom uses gdcm for some image formats
python-dateutil - extends Python’s datetime module, used by numpy/pycollada/matplotlib and session save
pywin32 - Windows operating system APIs, seems to only be used by WMI for bug reporting
qtconsole - used to implement ChimeraX Python shell
requests - simplifies handling HTTP requests; used in scripts for NIH3D printing service
scipy - math/science library used to compute helix tubes
six - compatibility module for Python 2 and 3, used by numpy/matplotlib and more
sortedcontainers - use sorted dictionary SortedDict for color and command managers
tables - read HDF5 files, usually volume data
tifffile - read TIFF image stacks for 3D light microscopy, high performance, 16-bit format support
tinyarray - efficient small C arrays, used for atom coordinates, numpy is much less efficient
WMI - Windows OS info used by bug reporter
Packages not from PyPi compiled for specific tools¶
cxservices - used by remotecontrol command REST service
expat - used to build the Python expat XML parser module, used by ChimeraX registration checking code
ffmpeg - executable for recording videos, compiling ffmpeg uses these libraries
libogg - Ogg audio format
libtheora - Theora video format
libvpx - VP9 video format
x264 - H.264 video format
yasm - assembler for compiling optimized assembly code
gdcm - used to read DICOM files, used by pydicom
lineprofiler - used to profile python code, see command-line –lineprofile option
mesa - off-screen rendering in nogui mode using OSMesa (off-screen mesa), only used on Linux - llvm - compiler libraries used by offscreen-mesa to compile opengl shaders for image rendering in nogui mode. - pkgconfig - Required to build mesa, off-screen rendering.
openmm - molecular dynamics used by tug mouse mode and ISOLDE plugin
openssl - Transport Layer Security (TLS) support on Mac for fetching https urls
zlib - used when compiling Python zlib module on mac and generic linux
PyPi packages used to generate ChimeraX documentation¶
blockdiag - generates block diagram image files
docutils - html generation for Sphinx
funcparserlib - used by blockdiag
Jinja2 - used internally by Sphinx
MarkupSafe - used by Jinja2
numpydoc - doc string parsing of function arguments for Sphinx
Pygments - syntax highlighting of code in Sphinx
Sphinx - Generates ChimeraX programming documentation
sphinxcontrib-blockdiag - extension for block diagrams in Sphinx, not sure if we ever use this
webcolors - used by blockdiag
Packages used to do builds¶
Many packages in addition to these are required to be preinstalled on Linux, Windows and Mac build machines, such as compilers, rsync, cygwin on Windows. The needed build tools are listed on other pages (TODO: add link).
chrpath - used for setting RPATH in linux ChimeraX executable
imex - boilerplate for exporting symbols from C/C++ libraries
libtool - used when building Qt from source (only done for debugging)
Packages from PyPi used to do builds¶
flake8 - Python syntax checker used by bundles/Makefile pylint target
mccabe - used by flake8
pep8 - used by flake8
pep8-naming - used by flake8
pycodestyle - used by flake8
pyflakes - used by flake8
pytz - time zone calculations, could not find this used anywhere. TOOO: remove.