from chimera import openModels, runCommand # Open the PDB entry and hide all but the first model #import sys #mList =[1], type="PDB") #mList = openModels.list() #if len(mList) > 1: # openModels.close(mList[1:]) #m = mList[0] # Apply interactive preset 1 (ribbons + active site) #runCommand("preset apply i 1") # Save current position and setup viewing parameters runCommand("savepos globeview") runCommand("cofr view") # Generate views in spherical coordinates inclinationStep = 10 # 10 degree increments is acceptable azimuthStep = 10 #inclinationStep = 90 # 90 degree interval should get us 3 layers #azimuthStep = 90 # .. with 4 images per layer (for testing) for inclination in range(0, 181, inclinationStep): # Need 180 for azimuth in range(0, 360, azimuthStep): # Don't need 360 runCommand("reset globview") runCommand("turn y %d ; wait" % azimuth) runCommand("turn x %d ; wait" % (90 - inclination)) runCommand("copy file img-%03d-%03d.png supersample 1" % (inclination, azimuth)) # Done #runCommand("close session") #runCommand("stop really")