.. vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: .. === UCSF ChimeraX Copyright === Copyright 2016 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. This software provided pursuant to a license agreement containing restrictions on its disclosure, duplication and use. For details see: http://www.rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimerax/docs/licensing.html This notice must be embedded in or attached to all copies, including partial copies, of the software or any revisions or derivations thereof. === UCSF ChimeraX Copyright === Python Classes ============== Atomic Structures * :class:`.Atom` - a molecule atom * :class:`.AtomicStructure` - molecular data * :class:`.Atoms` - a collection of atoms * :class:`.Bond` - a molecule bond * :class:`.Chain` - a polymer chain * :class:`.MolecularSurface` - molecular surfaces * :class:`.Residue` - a molecule residue Commands and Tools * :class:`.CommandInfo` - user command * :class:`.ToolInfo` - information about an available tool * :class:`.ToolInstance` - running tools * :class:`.Toolshed` - manages tool updates Graphics * :class:`.Camera` - position the scene is rendered from * :class:`.Drawing` - 3-d graphical object * :class:`.Lighting` - lighting paramters * :class:`.Material` - material reflectivity parameters * :class:`.Model` - Displayed data with id number * :class:`.Place` - position and orientation in space * :class:`.View` - graphics window Notifications * :class:`.Log` - text command log * :class:`.TriggerSet` - event notifications State * :class:`.Session` - application state * :class:`.Settings` - save tool preferences Volume Data * :class:`.GridData` - density map data * :class:`.Volume` - density map